Geotrail 1- Crossing Vikos Canyon
The Vikos Canyon is an ensemble of geosites representative of the geological processes
that characterize the Vikos-Aoos Geopark. The combination of the tectonic-karstic
phenomena created favourable conditions for intense erosion forming the deepest
Canyon of the World (Guinness Book of Records, 1998). The walking tour begins from
Monodendri village where after descending, the staircase we will reach
the riverbed. After a 4 hour hiking we will refresh our feet in the cold waters of the
springs of Voidomatis and we will end up at Vikos village (45 minutes). This is a 6 hour
moderate hiking.
Minimum number of participants: 2
Maximum number of participants: 8
Duration: 2 days
Level of difficulty: medium
Geotrail 2 - A tour to Dragon Lake of Tymfi
Tymfi mountain range (or Mt Tymphe, Timfi also Tymphi, greek=Τύμφη) is part of
NW Pindos and was carved by water, very quickly, during the Pleistocene due to
alternations of hot and cold periods (Ice Age). Hikers will come across several
plateaus with alpine vegetation, complex relief and glacial remnants. Dragon Lake is
a unique ecosystem at 2100m. We will spend the night at the Astraka refuge at an altitude
of 1930 m. The route duration is 9 hours (6 hours on the first day and 3 hours on
the second) and is characterized as difficult.
Minimum number of participants: 2
Maximum number of participants: 8
Level of difficulty: difficultt
Geotrail 3- The Red Rock, the Ovires and the Bistiries limestone formations
Three unique geological formations due to the erosion procedure of water to limestone!
The hiking tour begins from Megalo Papigo to the rockshelters of Bistiries to
admire the colored limestone (duration 30 minutes). After a 1.5 hour of hiking we will
arrive at the spectacular view point of the Red Rock. We follow the same path back till
the village of Mikro Papigo where we will enjoy a cool swim in the natural swimming
pools of the stream Rogovo. This is a 4 hours easy hiking.
Minimum number of participants: 2
Maximum number of participants: 8
Duration: 4 hours
Level of difficulty: easy
You can explore the geosites of Zagori, through the geotrails, from late May till late October.